"Everything A Sell" Promoted Listings

“Everything A Sell” was designed with the goal of being able to facilitate the promotion of various products, services, places & jobs collectively “listing/s” to very specific demography. As a result a considerable amount of attention have been placed on directing high intent visitors to very specific search and filter pages where they can act on an intended goal, which may vary depending on the listing type in question.

With this approach subscriber need to understand our listing strategy in order to leverage the platform to its full potential. On search and filter pages listings are sorted primarily in a chronological order, in addition we’ve made it possible to manually sort listings by proximity, reviews, priority & so on.

Three Priority Levels

Free listings

Each user is permitted to list four free listings, one business/place, one service and two other listing types.

Featured Listing

This feature is only accessible to users that have a paid subscription. Each featured listing is automatically published with a higher priority above free listings.

Promoted Listing

This feature is available to all users which allows individual listing to be bumped up above both Free & Featured Listings.You can pay to Promote individual listing to stand out on the home page, search pages & various filter pages.

Listing Priority Level Use Case

Say advertiser “A” lists a car for free and advertiser “B” list a car under a paid package, the featured listing will be closer to the top of the page with respect to the free listing. However if advertiser “A” decides to promote their listing then that particular listing would have a priority greater than the featured listing hence closer to the top of the page.

Please note, all listings are chronologically ordered within their respective levels.

When can I promote my listing?

Whenever you like! Once you’ve added your listing you can navigate to your Listings from your User Dashboard or from the user menu. Select the Promote option from the list of options on the listing you would like to promote, follow the checkout process to make your payment. Once your payment is confirmed your listing will automatically be moved to the top of search and filter pages.

What else should I know?

Once you’ve promoted your listing, You won’t be able to transfer the promotion to another. If you’ve deleted a listing after promoting it you won’t be able to get a refund either, Promote transactions are final.

At any given time there are multiple listings being promoted, since we’re unable put all the Promoted Listings on the Home Page and on Search & Filter Pages they are listed in chronological order and are bumped down by the incoming promoted listing.